Where are the desires satisfied?
And behold, there is no satisfaction for pleasure.
The hermit will run away all his life,
The old will be chased blindly.
the one who walks the path of awakening,
let the bird of the soul fly,
and gives desire a loving embrace.
without being allowed or forbidden,
To walk barefoot on the green grass.

to pass on the knowledge
with open eyes
And a fluttering heart.
to separate the skin from the juice.
and season with a little freshness,
Naughty and true.
And don't hesitate to delete lines
Because the truth cannot be written.
Lectures, books and explanations
try to describe reality in the thickness of a page.
But in the plaןמ in which I live,
All the theories are all,
collapses in front of the baby's crying.
And I, sometimes drift in the waves
and sometimes,
walking on water,
And my tail is, like your tail,
in the depths of the sea

In the secret of longing
looks around to every corner,
A person wants to be seen.
the view and smells drags him by the nose.
He is after mirrors and illusions.
The source of the desire is longing.
An ancient longing for a the one
Back when the milky way was just an idea.
A man is sitting here at this moment
on a sphere floating in full empty space,
full of longing.
To hear the whole universe resonating
Like a mother calling her child to return home.
Because of countless bodies and movements,
sticking out
the one.